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Cissi Williams has been immersed in personal and spiritual development since 1992, and this has led her to study a variety of subjects, such as Osteopathy, Naturopathy, NLP, Shamanism, Healing, Hypnosis, Intuitive Coaching and Meditation. She is a fully qualified Osteopath and Naturopath (British College of Osteopathic Medicine) and NLP Trainer (The NLP Academy). She offers training in Transformational Soul Coaching, NLP and Break-Through Coaching, as well as running personal and spiritual development courses and webinars. Her passion is to help others connect with their Souls wisdom, as she believes it is our Soul that can administer the Spiritual Medicine we need to heal anything in our lives. She treats patients and clients, and regularly lectures and holds seminars in Sweden and internationally.

Together with her husband, she founded the Swedish national magazine Inspire – A Body, Mind and Spirit Guide to Well-Being with the intention of inspiring others to connect with their own inner healing power and innate well-being, enabling a deep healing of body and mind. She is passionate about sharing with others the tools for tuning in to our Soul’s guidance, enabling us to heal ourselves and fulfil our dreams.
She has written the books Transformational NLP: The spiritual approach to harnessing the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Watkins Publishing) and Spiritual Medicine – 7 Spiritual Potions to Heal Your Life (O-Books). She has also recorded several meditations.

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Supercharge Your Dreams Into Being

You are an eternal being of light and love. You are a child of God and abundance is your inheritance. You are at a deep level one with the whole universe and therefore everything you need already exists within you. Everything! Imagine tapping into that knowledge every morning allowing yourself to start the day being filled with an abundance of happiness, enthusiasm and life-energy. And then use the day in such a way that you focus this inner energy into allowing your dreams to make the journey from being just an idea to becoming actual manifestation in your present life.…

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